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DetailsThank you for your application If you have not received a confirmation email from VOS within 24 hours, please contact or 250-381-1021. If there are team members you would like to work with, please make sure they have filled out a separate application.
DetailsThank you for watching Please Consider A Donation! By making a year-end tax-deductible donation to VOS, you are helping keep the dream alive. Thank you for your support,Victoria On Stage Musical Theatre Society VOS Musical Theatre is a registered charity: REG # 119285039RR0001(Charitable tax receipts will be issued.)
DetailsTEEN SPRING CLASSES – REGISTRATION All students must have a current VOS Membership New Member Sign UpIf you’re not sure if your membership is current, please contact
DetailsKIDS SPRING CLASSES – REGISTRATION All students must have a current VOS Membership New Member Sign UpIf you’re not sure if your membership is current, please contact
DetailsDISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST VOS Rose Projection As time is running out for Prince Eric, pedals drop from the enchanted rose. When Belle declares her love for the Beast, the rose magically returns to full bloom. For a high def, watermark free version of the projection, please fill out the application below. As we…